The Revised Julian Calendar

The Revised Julian Calendar was adopted by the Eastern Orthodox Church in 1923 for the same reasons that the Gregorian Calendar had been adopted by the Catholic Church -- to correct for date drift in the Julian Calendar.

As with the Gregorian Calendar, it involves a realignment of the calendar and a change in leap year rules.

Instead of the Gregorian adjustment of eliminating 3 leap years for each 400 years, the Revised Julian removes 7 leap years for each 900 years.

The rule for determining whether a centennial year is a leap year is to divide the year by 900. If the remainder is 200 or 600, it is a leap year. Otherwise it is not. (There is a more extensive explanation here.)

Within the years spanning 1600 to 2799, the Revised Julian and Gregorian calendars are the same.

The Revised Julian calendar average year length accumulates one day of drift for each 31,034 years.

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Copyright 1997, Drew Lawson.
[Last updated: 18 June 1997]